I am so behind on blogging. Olivia celebrated her 3rd birthday with her brother Michael who turned 22 and her Aunt Kimmie who turned....25 (she looks like she could be anyway). I will post some pics below.
Olivia aged out on her early intervention and now will be going to "early intervention pre-school." She is SO excited! So am I to have an extra 3 hours to myself in the morning. Her speech is definitely coming along and she will be receiving speech therapy while in school...which is GREAT! She is a happy and very ACTIVE little girl. She keeps us all on our toes!
I can't believe my son will be starting his Master's at Monmouth University this year and Olivia will be starting pre-school...on the same day....oh my. Michael did so well last year...made the Dean's list all semesters. I am SO proud of him! We had to push him a little to go for his Master's though and I am so glad he gave in!
We are taking Olivia to Disney on the 29th of this month for a couple of days. I can't WAIT to see her reaction to everything. She may still be a little young yet to really appreciate it...but I will love it...ha-ha!
enjoy the pics!